Thursday, February 4, 2010

Tractor Beam

I'm lacking ideas today, so it's pictures of kids again! This is about the only time you'll ever see Hayden with a quiet, distant stare like that. It's the television, of course...."Big & Small", I think it was. For the record, that show makes me laugh as much as it does Hayden. That poor boy needs a haircut, LOL.

It was a quiet day with Maddie at home. I had thought to go out and do some mock shopping with her, but there's a Murphy's Law that if I make a plan to do something, it won't work out. Today she decided to have one of her long naps. So we went out just long enough for me to get a coffee from Timmie's and then we walked to meet Hayden after school. I did go out *by myself* tonight for approximately 90 minutes and it was bliss! I felt a bit panicky at one point because I suddenly thought I'd been out for a really long time. Hadn't even been an hour yet! I don't know why I still don't manage to do this regularly, but wow, what a difference it makes to be on my own even just for an hour!

Now it's back to the resumes.....

Tomorrow I'll find something different to take pictures of!

1 comment:

  1. LOL they do seem to be intrigue in what they are watching. I agree with you - us moms need to take time and go out by ourselves. I get that guilty feeling also when I decide to venture out alone which isn't very often.
