Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Birthday!

I can't believe it's been a year already. It went too fast. Maddie woke up all smiles, as though she knew it was her day :) I actually remembered Valentine's Day for Hayden and her this year; poor Hayden got ripped off last year because I woke up with contractions and he got dropped off at Nana and Papa's shortly after!

We had family over for a little birthday party; by the time we got to the cake, she was really really tired, so there weren't many smiles, but she was still in a pretty good mood, considering. We really thought she would go nuts with the cake, but she wasn't all that impressed at all. She taste-tested the cake, but I think the icing was too sticky and it made her gag, LOL. Other than that, she didn't make much of a mess with it at all....are my kids the only ones who don't like cake??!

Happy Birthday, Maddie :)


  1. What a beautiful cake! My nephew doesn't like either. I couldn't believe it!

  2. Awww, what a cutie! Happy Birthday to Maddie! Love the cake, too bad she isn't a big fan of it. Her dress is adorable too!!! First birthdays are so much fun :)

  3. Happy Birthday Maddie!!! What a sweetheart she is - both of your kids are too cute! Her dress is is the cake. Glad to hear it was a great day :)
