Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Tonight we made up the little treat bags for Hayden's class. They're having a Valentine's Day party on Friday. It seems to be our tradition now, whenever there is a holiday and he takes in a treat for the class. He counted out all the candies for each little bag- all 22 of them.


  1. That first pic is really great! Your son is so cute - and tell him I love his cool Bumblebee shirt :)

  2. I wanna eat those candies. They look very yummy!

  3. Logan says "Who is that boy and can you ask his Mama where he got his AWESOME Bumblebee shirt?" LOL!

  4. What a fantastic photo of the candy. You are making me feel very guilty. I am one of those moms who also gives treats in my son's class for all the holidays. This Valentines I did not pick anything up yet. Ohhhh need to go shopping now. LOL
