Friday, January 29, 2010

Pizza Sauce or Poison?

Only time will tell. I made myself some nice little english muffin pizzas this afternoon for lunch. As I finished the first half of my mini pizza I suddenly realized where I took the pizza sauce from. NOT the same place that I put it the other day in the fridge. What does this mean, you ask? It means I used an OLD bottle of pizza sauce. I don't know how old; could be 6 months, could be 2 years.

Let me expand on this by telling you that I have some "issues" shall we say, around food. A bit of paranoia about expired, contaminated, or otherwise bad food. I suppose you could say I probably qualify as having a mild phobia around food contamination. This is not good. It doesn't help to live with a person who basically believes that no food can go bad, and if it can go bad, you can probably just cook the 'bad' out. Wrong on so many levels.

The body scan that a stomach cramp? A slight wave of nausea? Is that a malaise I'm feeling???


  1. oh no! I am sure its fine, but yeah I would be weirded out my every body movement in the next 24hrs, lol.

  2. I sure it is fine as well, but you just described me...I have a total food paranoia, Im nervous about everything being old, undercooked etc!!

  3. I'm totally paranoid about food, too. I just refuse to eat the stuff I'm nervous about - and then there's my DH, old garbage guts as I like to call him!! I think his stomach is made of iron or something. He eats anything and never gets sick from it.
