Monday, January 11, 2010

The Mommy Drives

One of the things I really like about living in this area is the fact that I can drive to Toronto in a half hour, and yet if I go just a few miles from our home, I'm in the middle of farm country. I love it.

Today the kids and I hung ar
ound the house until after lunch. By mid-afternoon I start to get a bit stir-crazy, and on certain days, I can tell that Hayden is in need of some rest. So I pack us up and we go for a drive. I stop at Tim's for a coffee, get out my iPod and start driving. The kids are usually asleep within 15 minutes and other than the music, it's so QUIET :) I've seen more of the country roads in the past 10 months than I did during the entire time I grew up here.

Today I replaced the iPod with m
y camera. I've never known the 'tricks' for taking outside pictures, so I'm still just playing around with different settings. I even decided to pull over while the kids were asleep so I could fiddle with the camera some more while taking pictures. I guess the shoulder wasn't as wide as I thought it would be and I felt the car sticking a bit. Trying to drive through it only made things worse. I called Scott to tell him that I was stuck on the shoulder and I was pretty sure I needed CAA. He said he would leave work right away, saying,"Trust me, I'm not worried....that car is light. I'll just give it a push."

I was surprised how many people drove right by! (I was just as happy they did)

Scott arrived just as the kids woke up. Hayden reported that he "didn't like having to lean so far over," and Scott suggested that it would have been more accurate to tell him that I was in the DITCH. He had a point :)

He and 2 other kind strangers pushed the car out and we were back in business.

(I didn't tell Scott that the whole reason I pulled over was to take pictures for this Project. Ssshhh!!)

Quote of the Day:
(While crying):
"I don't feel like dancing, but I have to dance"


  1. Isn't getting stuck the worst? I got stuck at the immunization clinic in Elmira -- in the mud! Brendan got pretty dirty fixing that problem. Yikes.

    Cool pics. I love the rolling hill.

  2. I hate getting stuck too, so annoying! On the plus side you got some really nice shots of the hill and the road looks really cool :)
