Tuesday, January 5, 2010

A Ham and a Camera

If she can still be this happy after keeping me awake all night, how can I possibly hold it against her, LOL. Mostly I remember being awake last night and just wishing for some REM sleep. But I never feel as tired the next day as I think I will. She is just so HAPPY all the time (almost all the time). And she was sweet enough to have a nice long nap this afternoon and I joined her (big brother was at school)!
I don't know how it started, but for about 2 months now, this is the face she's been making every time she sees the camera (the 2nd and 3rd picture aren't from today).


  1. Oh. My. Gosh. She's SO adorable!! I loved that age. How do you even stand the cuteness? :D
