Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Did you say TUESDAY??

I still can't believe it's only Tuesday. TUESDAY. Please, could someone just watch my kids for a few days while I catch some REM? Teething, bad dreams, cold feet that find their way out of the blankets, nosebleeds.....what else??? You know that feeling when you wake up after too little sleep and your eyelids feel like sandpaper. Nauseating.

Fortunately, with buckets of coffee, I seem to be able to function at a somewhat normal level. I can drive and communicate in sentences. Both children made it to their beds tonight, so I'm calling it a success. The day went surprisingly well considering 3 of us put together didn't even get a full night of sleep :)

Did I mention I love coffee?

I hadn't used the Bodum in a very long time because of our newer "fancy" coffeemaker. Last weekend, we tried to buy the little cups for our machine, but they were sold out everywhere. So I brought out the Bodum. Scott was skeptical. But we were in crisis mode and he would do whatever necessary to maintain caffeine levels until we could get our usual supply. My sister has been talking about this "Kicking Horse" stuff, so I decided to give it a try this week. Oh, I love it. It's even Fair Trade which makes me feel like I'm doing something good.

"Mom, I really like that guy (new pediatrician). I'm in love with him. You know, like sometimes on cartoons when hearts come out of their heads."


  1. Love the picture and the comment on the cup. I am not a coffee drinker myself. Never did like the smell of coffee. I know I am strange because most peeps do drink it. Maybe I could pinch my nose while drinking?

  2. Awesome picture!! And I really dig today's quote. ;)

  3. Love the mug! What a great picture :)
